The bridge between medicine and cosmetics

Medical Beauty

Irina Fedjaev
Phone +49 8532 980 610


With this controlled removal of skin, cornification is detached gently and the complexion becomes visibly smoothed. Refines the complexion and animates the recreation of cells. The skin appears clearer, fresher and younger.

Microdermabrasion - Classic
Purification, enzyme peeling, microdermabrasion (face and neck), mask and finish with vitamin C.
   € 79,-
Microdermabrasion - Special
Purification, enzyme peeling, microdermabrasion (face, neck and décolleté) and finish with vitamin C.
   € 89,-

LDM - Local Dynamic Micro Massage

The complexion is made delicate in a gentle way. Tightens, smooths and moderates little wrinkles. Intensive transfecting of highly concentrated hyaluronic acid and herbal native cells. The complexion is improved permanently and the aging progress is delayed prophylactically.

Microdermabrasion and Ultrasonic - Intensive
Purification, enzyme peeling, microdermabrasion (face and neck), ultrasonic treatment with highly concentrated hyaluronic application and native cells, final care
   € 130,-
Ultrasonic treatment
Purification, ultrasonic treatment with ingredients (face and neck), final care
1 Treatment  € 65,-
Program 7 instead of 6 (7 Treatments)  € 390,-


Diese neuartige, nicht-invasive Radiofrequenzbehandlung dient zur sanften und schonenden Hautstraffung ohne Ausfallzeit. Hierbei wird die Neubildung von Kollagen und Elastin schonend und schmerzfrei angeregt. Das Ergebnis ist eine straffere und glattere Haut.

Die FORMA-Radiofrequenztherapie wird vor allem bei Schlupflidern und Tränensäcken sowie im Wangenbereich angewendet. Ebenfalls können mit Hilfe dieser innovativen Methode am Hals und Nacken erste Falten reduziert werden.

Am Körper kann FORMA an Oberarmen (Winkearme) und am Bauch eine leichte Hautstraffung erzielen.

Gesicht, Hals, Dekollté  € 80,-

Cosmetic Micro Needling

Cosmetic Micro Needling:

Gentle treatments for a fresh and tightened complexion are now more demanded than ever.

And at this, micro needling is considered to be a real wonder. This natural treatment tells the skin to firm and tighten itself - you could also call it self-renewal of the skin by endogenous processes.

Suitable for every skin type and applicable on the whole body:

  • Wrinkle reduction
  • Tightening of slackened facial skin
  • Skin rejuvenation of sun-damaged skin
  • Improvement of scars
  • Brightening of pigmentation marks
  • Diminution of pores and smoothening of complexion
  • Improvement of stretch marks
  • Skin rejuvenation on neck and décolleté

Face and Neck
1 Treatment  € 169,-
Face, Neck and either Décolleté or Hands
1 Treatment  € 189,-