The Urology Department offers comprehensive field-specific diagnostics.
The treatment concepts, especially as they pertain to the postoperative phase and in the field of Urologic Oncology, are based on international standards.
We guarantee continuous professional urologic patient care.
This includes intensive treatment of urinary incontinence, individual counselling of sexual matters and treatment of erectile dysfunction. Primary and secondary prevention including nutritional counselling represent the core of our care concept which is tailored to individual patient preferences and needs.
Registration & Information
Julia Frankenberger: Tel. +49 8532 980 104 / Fax +49 8532 980 688 / sekretariat-klinik.badgriesbach@asklepios.com
Our Specialties & Disorders
- follow up treatment
- urinary incontinence in men and women
- counselling of sexual matters
- couples counselling
- diagnosis and treatment of erectile dysfunction
- family planning and sterilisation
- investigation of hormonal disorders
- prostate treatment - conventional and alternative
- urological tumour treatments
For urological conditions and specific technical issues, we offer the services and consultation of fully trained and experienced physicians.
Our specialists' expertise in combination with our wide range of conventional treatment methods allow us to respond to patients' preferences and needs depending on results and personal requirements.

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Our range of services
Follow Up Treatment
Scientific studies have positively shown that inpatient follow up treatment always has a positive impact on patient health.
Our targeted posttreatment allows immediate supervised inpatient care which accounts for all necessary treatment measures.
The structure of holistic medicine enables fast improvement and lasting patient stabilisation. Through individualised care, wellbeing remains our top our priority and influences the healing process.
Thanks to our unique concept, it is possible for the patient to largely return to working life immediately after a short but intensive postoperative hospital stay in our clinic. At any rate, patients are in a suitable condition to proceed with outpatient follow up care.
- physiotherapy
- pelvic floor exercises
- urologic oncology care
- psychological care
- ostomy care
- counselling of sexual matters
- dietary advice

- urodynamic examinations
- biofeedback techniques and physiotherapy
- electrical stimulation
- TVT (tension free vaginal tape)
- suspension sculptures
- implants
- TUR (transurethral resection - 'planing')
- TUVP (transurethral vaporisation of the prostate)
- TUI (transurethral incision of the prostate)
- TUNA (transurethral needle ablation of the prostate) laser therapy of the prostate stent implantation (wall stents)
- endourological tumour treatment (e.g. urethral, bladder and ureteric tumours including photodynamic examinations)
- brachytherapy for prostate cancer
- urologic oncology treatment (chemotherapy and immune chemotherapy)