We offer you a wide range of treatments

Acute inpatient stay

At St. Wolfgang private clinic, we offer at a wide range of treatments based on the latest diagnostic and therapeutic options within the realm of acute inpatient stays. These include acute conditions of the heart, circulation and blood vessels or other internal organs and health conditions (such as diabetes).

The Medical Director of our private clinic, Dr Heizmann, a Cardiologist and Head Physician in the Department of Internal Medicine, is an expert in the field due in a large part to her seasoned role as an Intensive Medical Examiner at the German Heart Institute in Berlin (Deutsches Herzzentrum Berlin).

In addition, the "Intermediate Care" unit features complete supervision and treatment of chronic disease processes.

To register, please contact the Administrative Assistant of Internal Medicine, Mrs. Julia Kerschagl, by dialling her direct line: +49 8532/980 104 or send an email to sekretariat-klinik.badgriesbach@asklepios.com

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